Social and psychiatry politics have during the last 40 years been weaved together into an intensified focus on: What ́s wrong with the individual? Social disorder has turned into individual disorder. But the question: What ́s wrong with the child or the youngster usually come into existence, when people are exhausted by feelings of pain, distress and constraints. The huge risk is children and youngsters being described but not understood. Because of that it is imperative to insist on a widening focus om context, complexity and communication embedded. The presentation will demonstrate–by case examples–how to create those kinds of movements that go beyond focusing on symptoms, and as such hold potentials for crucial trans contextual changes. Behaviour and symptoms of children and youngsters are not to be understood as individual characteristics, but as communication. For that reason, it is obvious to ask questions like these: What are the symptoms an answer to? What has happened? Which stories are about to be marginalised? How has this become the best possible way of dealing with the situation? What is maintaining these patterns? What is the inner meaning? What or whom are the child or the youngster responsible or loyal to? And even more important: What are they inviting others into? The symptoms, what do they put on the agenda? When psychiatry and individualistic problem descriptions apparently is made attractive, how can we invite into a process having the potentials of evolving even more attractively?The presentation is built om creativity emerging out of the interaction of multiple perspectives. The cravings for trans contextual processes are emphasized. Irreverence is brought out as a centralfeature. Children and youngsters understood as gifts for their surroundings–and not simply tasks. The most serious matters that invite us into the most prominent processes of change and development. There is a risk though, that people working in the so-called therapeutic context fail to be aware of the societal issues leading into constraints and powerlessness. It speaks in favour of not marginalizing the consequences of poverty, social and institutional cut downs and socialexposure in general. The presentation will describe meta-investigations as a crucial way to take care of complexity